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How to Understand Canada Postage Rate History

Many Canadians want to know how many stamps Canada has to buy in order to have the cheapest postage possible. The Canadian postal Service keeps their costs very low, but over time, they do tend to raise their prices, primarily because they have so many international shipping options available to them. In order to get a good idea of how many stamps Canada has to buy, it helps to first understand how many international packages transit through our land borders, as well as how many packages transit through our ports of entry into Canada.

In order to get an idea of how many international packages enter our country on an annual basis, you can access our annual International Shipping Report, which was produced for the previous year. The report can show you how many parcels or envelopes were lost, or delayed because of delays caused by international shipping, as well as how many packages were lost or delayed within our ports of entry alone. It can also show you how many packages were lost or delayed outside of Canada due to air-freight delays. These are important numbers and can help you figure out how many stamps our country needs to purchase in order to maintain the lowest international postage rates possible. Keep in mind that if your package is delayed or loses its shipping protection, that it will not be replaced for free - you must pay the full amount of postage, which can make mailing expensive if you need to mail a large amount of mail.

Some people try to decrease their expenses by not purchasing enough stamps, but the costs can quickly add up if you do not plan ahead. For example, it costs between five and ten cents each for one pound of dried beans, whereas three cents can get you one pound of dried beans for just one cent. Therefore, if you purchase one pound of dried beans and send two pounds of mail through Canadian mail, you will be spending five cents, which is a huge saving. If you purchase less postage, and then you only use two pounds, you will end up saving two cents.




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